lady booking an appointment on line

Book Online Therapy

To book an appointment with a therapist online, you can follow these steps:

1. You can book an appointment with a provider directly from the link below. 

2. Find a time that works for you, enter your insurance plan details and payment information, by clicking the "Add insurance". You will need your Insurance member ID and group number. If you do not have a group number, leave that space blank.

3. You will be required to create an account or sign in with an existing account using an email address. Follow the prompts and enter the required information to proceed with the booking.

4. Look for an available time slot that works for you. Select your preferred date and time for the appointment by clicking on green "Book session for..."

5. If you choose to pay out-of-pocket, join one of our groups, or use medicaid, you can click the contact the therapist directly button below or via phone and email to inquire about online booking options or to schedule an appointment.

6. Although your credit/debit card will be part of your online profile, you will not be charged until after your appointment time.